Monday, March 10, 2014

Read Across America Week!!!

We had such fun during Read Across America week in our classroom!  What a wonderful celebration!!  We spent the entire week reading classic Dr. Seuss books including Horton Hears a Who, The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, Wacky Wednesday, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, What Was I Scared Of?, The Sneetches and Hooray for Diffendoofer Day.   The kids had such fun reading these stories, and we had some great class discussions.  The messages found within Dr. Seuss’ books are so powerful, and I loved listening to your amazing children latch on and embrace their themes. 

We also had some spectacular guest readers stop in this week and read to us.  I truly cannot thank each of them enough for taking the time out of their busy schedules to visit our classroom.  The kids had an absolute blast, and they have already requested return visits!!!  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Dr. Kinsey-Barker
Dr. Kinsey-Barker is our area superintendent.  The kids loved having her in our classroom.  In fact, the minute she left, they were begging for me to schedule a return visit!  

Mrs. Taylor 
Mrs. Taylor taught me 4th and 5th grade!!  She is now the assistant principal at Brooks Elementary.  Hands down, Mrs. Taylor was the best teacher I ever had!

Mrs. Bruner
My Mom
I was thrilled that my Mom was able to stop by this year to read, and the kids really enjoyed having her visit.  Hope she can come again soon!!  

Mrs. Roberts 
My Aunt 
It was such a treat to have my precious aunt visit our classroom!  She certainly enchanted the kids!!

Mrs. Herb
4th grade teacher at Douglas
Mrs. Herb's class is our book buddy class this year.  The kids had a blast with her!  She is such a wonderful teacher and friend!

Mrs. Spickard 
Magnet Coordinator at Douglas
Mrs. Spickard drops by with her tour groups quite a bit.  It was so incredibly sweet of her to come read to our class.  Like everyone else, they just adored her!  

Mrs. Ramsay
Instructional Resource Teacher at Douglas
Mrs. Ramsay was a huge hit with your children!!  She is one of my absolute favorite people, and she quickly became one of the kids' favorites too!  

To wrap up our celebration, we spent the afternoon making Oobleck!!  And, I must say – what a mess!  But, it was such a fun mess!!  Luckily, my sister, Miss Elizabeth, stopped by to help out! Unfortunately, we didn't get a class picture with Miss Elizabeth, but if you look closely you can spot her in the background in one of these photos.  

As always, thank you so much for your continued support!

Educationally Yours,

Ms. Bruner

Thursday, March 6, 2014

February Was a Blur!!

February was such a busy blur despite all the snow days!  There have been so many exciting things happening in our classroom – Valentine’s Day, 100th School Day, Music/Dance Informance and so much more Kindergarten fun!!!

The 100th day of school was such a celebration in our classroom!  We made 100th day Fruit Loop necklaces, crafted 100th Day hats, drew a 100 year old version of ourselves; and, wrote about what we will be like when we are 100.   Their responses cracked me up!  Some said they would live in a big house, drive a motorcycle, tell jokes, wrestle sharks and one even said she would be feeding her pet fish! 

The kids also had their first Informance ever at Douglas!  They were so precious, and it was such a treat to see what they had been working on in music and dance.   Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us for that celebration! 

Waiting for the Informance to Start!

Sing About Martin!

We have also been finishing up our weather unit in science.  We have learned about thermometers and how to properly read them, made rain gauges and have studied different types of clouds.  One of our classmates has even decided that he wants to be a meteorologist when he grows up! 

Reading Thermometers!

Observing the Clouds!

Making Rain Gauges!

In math, we have been working on solving addition and subtraction word problems.  The kids have done a fantastic job with this!  They have really enjoyed creating their own math stories and working collaboratively to solve each other's story problems.   

Please remember to practice your child’s sight words at home each night.  And, as always, READ, READ, READ!  Again, thank you for all you do to support your child at home! 

Educationally Yours, 
Ms. Bruner 

P.S. Let’s hope spring comes early!  Keeping my fingers crossed that the snow days are done!