Monday, September 29, 2014

Picture Day!

Quick Reminder

Picture Day is on Wednesday, October 1, so be sure your little one is dress to impress!  Pictures must be pre-paid in the envelope that was sent home in your child's green folder.  Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

First off, I loved seeing so many of you at Open House on Thursday.  Thank you all so much for taking the time to out of your busy schedules.  I know life can be hectic with little ones!  For those of you unable to join us, I have posted the presentation on my Web site ( under the Important Handouts tab for you to review at your earliest convenience.

A couple of things I want to reiterate that was stressed during Open House.  For starters, please remember to practice your child’s sight words DAILY!  I truly cannot emphasize this enough!!  Also, it is essential to your child’s reading develop for you to be reading with them every day and asking comprehension questions.  Children can comprehend text at a much higher level than they are able to read.  It is important for them to be able to retell the story in their own words from beginning to end and also answer higher level thinking questions - questions that encourage them to make predictions, connections and inferences.

Other Reminders:
  1.  Weekly homework will begin in October and come home via your child’s green folder.  This homework is in addition to the daily sight word practice and reading expectations.
  2.  Interims will come home on Tuesday, September 30.  Please review, sign and return.      
  3. Conferences begin the first full week in October.  Please sign up via the following link -  Please note that there are no conference times available in the morning prior to the start of school.   I apologize for this inconvenience.  However, I am in required meetings from 7:30-8:30 most mornings due to grade level chair responsibilities. 

Also, we are in desperate need of dice for many of our math center games.  If you are able to donate, it would be greatly appreciated!  Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!  Take some time to enjoy this beautiful weather!!

Educationally yours,Ms. Bruner   

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Several Reminders

Several Reminders
  1. Please, please, please PRACTICE your child’s sight words EVERY NIGHT!!!  It is vital to their reading success!!!
  2. Open House is Thursday, September 18, from 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m.  If possible, please leave your child at home for the evening so that you are able to focus solely on the presentation.    
    • Events:
      • PTA Meeting - 5:30 p.m. 
      • Session 1 - 6:00 p.m.
      • Session 2 - 6:35 p.m.
      • Notes The same program will be presented during both sessions.  We have two sessions so that parents with multiple children are able to visit each child’s classroom.  
  1. Friday, September 19, is Twin Day at Douglas!  Coordinate your outfit with a friend at school or wear jeans and a gray t-shirt to be our principal’s twin.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Week 1 Down!

Whew, this week has been a whirlwind!  Exhausting yes!  But, so much fun!  Your children are beyond fabulous, and I feel so blessed to be their teacher this year.  Thank you for sharing them with me!! 

We have spent the entire week learning all about our school/classroom and how to create a respectful and safe environment for all.  We have read lots of heartwarming stories, traveled to Letterland, learned some fancy words (scampered, nuzzled, gentle), launched Writer’s Workshop; and, began our study of numbers and quantities.  Needless to say, we have been busy, busy, busy! 

Next week, please begin studying your child’s sight words each evening.  Our yearlong sight word schedule is attached to your child’s green folder.  Please, please, please do your best to keep up with our sight word schedule.  I truly cannot emphasis enough how essential sight word recognition is to your child’s reading development and success!! 

Other Important Notes:

1.  Weekly homework will start in the coming weeks.  I will keep you all posted on an exact start date.  For now, please just continue to read with your child nightly and practice sight words.

2. It will help TREMENDOUSLY if your child would wear slip on or Velcro shoes to school on Dance days until they know how to tie their shoes independently. 

3. After the holiday break in December, Mrs. Camel and I will NOT tie shoes for children.  Please be sure to practice at home!  Here is a link that will help teach your child to tie their shoes in just one second.  Promise!

Hope you all have a restful weekend and are able to enjoy some family time! 

Educationally yours,

Ms. Bruner   

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Great First Day!

It was a fabulous first day in kindergarten!  Mrs. Camel and I have enjoyed getting to know your sweet little one today. 

Please note that your child’s green folder came home today.  Please take some time this evening to review the information and complete any necessary school paperwork.  The green folder will come home every day (except Fridays) and must be returned the following day.   

Educationally yours,

Ms. Bruner