Friday, November 14, 2014

Important Reminders

Can you believe it is already mid-November?  Time is just zooming by!  Below you will find a list of some important reminders.  Let me know if you have any questions! 

1. Log onto, and check under the Important Handouts tab.  I have added some parent letters concerning our math curriculum for the second quarter.  The county has created these letters.  They explain the standards and strategies taught as well as provide parent resources for at home practice. 

2. Please, please, please practice your child’s sight words every night!!!  Did I say please?  Log onto, and check under the Important Handouts tab for some Sight Word Fun ideas. 

3.  It is vital to your child’s success that you are reading with them every, single day.  No excuses!  Literacy is the most important academic and life skill that we teach your children.  Log onto, and check under the Important Handouts tab for some Parent-Child Book Discussion ideas. 

4. Tuesday, November 18, is Literacy Night from 6 p.m. 7 p.m.  Kindergarten will lead a workshop for parents.  The same workshop will be offered twice for convenience.  The first session will be from 6 p.m. 6:30 p.m.  The second session will be from 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

5. Friday, November 21, is Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Day!  The kindergarten teachers have something fun planned, and we can’t wait to see what you and your little one come up with! 

6. We have at least 2 more field trips that will require chaperones.  If you have not already done so, please register to volunteer in the media center.  We will need a minimum of 8 chaperones cleared by Wake County in order to make these field trips happen!!!        

As always, thank you so much for all you do to support your child at home!!
Educationally Yours, Ms. Bruner  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Farmer's Market!

Farmer’s Market Fun!

We had a fabulous time at the Farmer’s Market today!  Thank you so much to all the chaperones.  We couldn’t have done it without you! 

We will have two more field trips this year off campus.  We will be visiting the North Carolina Zoo in March and the Durham Life & Science Museum in April.  We will definitely need more Wake County approved chaperones for these trips.  A minimum of 8 chaperones will be required in order for these field trips to be possible.  If you have not been approved through Wake County, please do so as quickly as possible.      

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Spirit Week!!!

Spirit Week is next week!  This month is Bullying Prevention Month, so our spirit days are designed to bring awareness and stop bullying. 

-      Monday, October 27: Mustache Monday - I mustache you to be bully free (wear a mustache - get creative!
-      Tuesday, October 28: Let's shade out bullies (wear your sunglasses)
-      Wednesday, October 29: Teacher workday
-      Thursday, October 30: Being bully free is no sweat (wear sweat suit attire)
-      Friday, October 31: Hats ON to being bully free (wear any kind of hat)

A few other reminders:
-      Farmer’s Market Field Trip is Tuesday, October 28.  Please don’t be late dropping your child off at school.  We leave promptly at 9:30.
-      PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE sight words every night.  Did I mention that you need to practice? 
-      Quarter 1 report cards will be coming home the first week in November.  Please return the envelope signed.  The report itself is yours to keep.    
-      Parent-Child Book Discussion Ideas handout has been posted on my Web site ( under the Important Handouts tab.  

Monday, September 29, 2014

Picture Day!

Quick Reminder

Picture Day is on Wednesday, October 1, so be sure your little one is dress to impress!  Pictures must be pre-paid in the envelope that was sent home in your child's green folder.  Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

First off, I loved seeing so many of you at Open House on Thursday.  Thank you all so much for taking the time to out of your busy schedules.  I know life can be hectic with little ones!  For those of you unable to join us, I have posted the presentation on my Web site ( under the Important Handouts tab for you to review at your earliest convenience.

A couple of things I want to reiterate that was stressed during Open House.  For starters, please remember to practice your child’s sight words DAILY!  I truly cannot emphasize this enough!!  Also, it is essential to your child’s reading develop for you to be reading with them every day and asking comprehension questions.  Children can comprehend text at a much higher level than they are able to read.  It is important for them to be able to retell the story in their own words from beginning to end and also answer higher level thinking questions - questions that encourage them to make predictions, connections and inferences.

Other Reminders:
  1.  Weekly homework will begin in October and come home via your child’s green folder.  This homework is in addition to the daily sight word practice and reading expectations.
  2.  Interims will come home on Tuesday, September 30.  Please review, sign and return.      
  3. Conferences begin the first full week in October.  Please sign up via the following link -  Please note that there are no conference times available in the morning prior to the start of school.   I apologize for this inconvenience.  However, I am in required meetings from 7:30-8:30 most mornings due to grade level chair responsibilities. 

Also, we are in desperate need of dice for many of our math center games.  If you are able to donate, it would be greatly appreciated!  Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!  Take some time to enjoy this beautiful weather!!

Educationally yours,Ms. Bruner