Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Spirit Week!!!

Spirit Week is next week!  This month is Bullying Prevention Month, so our spirit days are designed to bring awareness and stop bullying. 

-      Monday, October 27: Mustache Monday - I mustache you to be bully free (wear a mustache - get creative!
-      Tuesday, October 28: Let's shade out bullies (wear your sunglasses)
-      Wednesday, October 29: Teacher workday
-      Thursday, October 30: Being bully free is no sweat (wear sweat suit attire)
-      Friday, October 31: Hats ON to being bully free (wear any kind of hat)

A few other reminders:
-      Farmer’s Market Field Trip is Tuesday, October 28.  Please don’t be late dropping your child off at school.  We leave promptly at 9:30.
-      PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE sight words every night.  Did I mention that you need to practice? 
-      Quarter 1 report cards will be coming home the first week in November.  Please return the envelope signed.  The report itself is yours to keep.    
-      Parent-Child Book Discussion Ideas handout has been posted on my Web site (www.sarahbruner.weebly.com) under the Important Handouts tab.  

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