Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Week Under Our Belts!!

Whew!  What a week!  It was an exciting and fun-filled week, but it was busy, busy, busy in our classroom.  We spent this week learning all about our school and classroom expectations, and we also spent a lot of time working with our names.

We started the week by reading Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.  Chrysanthemum starts kindergarten thinking her name is absolutely perfect.  But after the first day of school, she begins to believe that her name is absolutely dreadful, especially when her classmates begin teasing her about her unique and special name.  We used this story to discuss the importance of using kind words or what we call “heart” words when speaking with friends.

We also used our names to create flowers.  Students wrote one letter of their name on a flower petal.  They then used the petals to create their flower and counted the letters in their name.  Afterwards, we created a class graph and discussed the meaning of more and less.    

In centers, we practiced writing our names in Play Doh and also did an art project with our names. 

Some of you may have heard your child talking about the Sid Shuffle.  This is what I call our “brain dance.”  In kindergarten, we stretch our brains so much that sometimes they just need a quick rest, and that is where the “brain dance” comes in.  The kids absolutely LOVE this dance!  

The September snack and specials calendar has been posted on my Web site at  Please be sure to check it out at your convenience, and let me know if you have any questions.  I hope everyone enjoys a restful weekend, and I can’t wait to see all my fabulous kindergarteners on Monday!

Educationally Yours,
Ms. Bruner

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