Friday, October 18, 2013

October is Disappearing!

Class Picture

Silly Class Picture 

Where is October going?  It is crazy to me how quickly time is flying by!  It is going to be 2014 before we know it.  I guess that happens when you are busy, busy, busy working and learning with some fabulous kindergarteners! 

In reading, we have spent the past couple of weeks discussing rhyming.  We read lots of nursery rhymes and poems in order to help identify these special types of words in text.  We even created our own version of Humpty Dumpty. 

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty didn’t have a great fall.
Instead, he climbed down and listened to some birds,
As he practice writing rhyming words.

Afterwards, the kids created their own Humpty Dumpty.  They had to come up with two words that rhyme and write those words on Humpty Dumpty’s hands. 

We also read, identified rhyming words and acted out the poem, Five Little Pumpkins.  The kids then illustrated the poem. 

We have also been exploring how illustrations aid in the comprehension of text.  We have learned the importance of conducting picture walks before ever beginning to read and have even created our own story using wordless picture books.  I encourage you to practice taking picture walks with your child at home as well. 

In writing, we have continued to practice going through the writing process: think, picture it, sketch it, write it and add details.  This week, the kids learned a huge secret about writing…writers write what they know.   They write about events in their lives, their feelings and even things they love.  We have continued to practice sounding out words as we write and adding details to our work.  Mrs. Camel and I have been quite impressed with all of their hard work in Writer’s Workshop.  We certainly have a talented group of writers! 

In math, we have been working on creating our own math addition stories and using the number line to act out and solve these problems. 

In science, we have been wrapping up our five senses unit, and we are going out with a bang!  First, we explored various types of pumpkins - different shapes, colors and sizes.  After using our senses to discuss the outside of pumpkins, we cut one open for comparison.  The kids were so cute and surprisingly hesitant to stick their hands inside the pumpkin. 

We also drew self-portraits but with a slight twist.  They had to first draw themselves with their eyes closed and again with their eyes open.  They quickly realized just how valuable our sense of sight is to us. 

Eye's Closed 

Eye's Open

To discuss our sense of smell, the kids painted a rainbow using Jell-o paint.  As they created their rainbow, they discussed with a partner what they thought each color smelled like. 

We also spent some time exploring touch.  We played Footsy Feel.  They took off their shoes and felt various things with their feet.  Needless to say, taking off their shoes in class was quite exciting for them!

Conferences began this week and will continue through the end of next week.  If you haven’t been able to sign up for a time yet, please do so at   

As always, thank you all so much for all you do to support your child at home.

Educationally yours,

Ms. Bruner 

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