Friday, January 31, 2014

February is Here!

Hard to believe that February is here!  I am so glad that January (our month of assessments) is FINALLY over.  The kids were wonderful and so patient as we worked to complete all of our MClass testing.  Report cards as well as your child’s MClass reading results will go home on Monday, February 3.  Please review that information, and feel free to e-mail me at with any questions. 

As I’m sure you heard from your child, I was missing for several days this month.  I took a quick trip to NYC with my sister over the Martin Luther King, Jr., weekend, and I wound up getting stuck in a blizzard.  They had 12 inches of snow!  

The kids were fabulous for Mrs. Camel during my absence.  While I was gone, they read the story Miss Nelson is Missing.  Then, they wrote about where they thought I was during my absence.  Some of their responses were hilarious.  Who knew I was so adventurous with sharks?  And, some proved that they know me a little too well (i.e. my shopping addiction and my love for my dogs).  

We have been busy, busy, busy in reading!  We have been working hard on applying decoding and comprehension strategies.  This week in your child’s green folder, you will receive some handouts to support your child as they read at home.  These handouts are posted on my Web site as well at  The only way your child is going to grow as a reader is to actually engage them in reading!  They should be discussing text with you and reading books on their level.  I can’t emphasis that point enough!!!  If you do one thing each night with your child, it needs to be READING!!

In math, we have been working on comparing shapes as well as positional words, and we are about to begin learning various strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems.  We have begun our big weather unit in science as well.  So far, we have learned about wind and made wind socks.  Currently, we are learning about thermometers and temperature. 

As always, thank you so much for all you do to support your child’s learning at home.  And, remember – READ, READ, READ!!!

Educationally yours,
Ms. Bruner

P.S. Thought you all might enjoy watching your children learn a new dance during one of our Wiggle Breaks!

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